Sunday, February 27, 2011

Social Conventions

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about social conventions, the mandatory conversations, gestures, and actions we must perform everyday to be considered polite, accepted members of society. Many of these conventions have become automatic and are considered courteous. Not performing these conventions may have you labeled as rude or bad natured. I decided to go one day without saying anything because I had to, I did not say hello to people when I passed them unless I intended on having a conversation with them. I did not ask questions unless they were ones I would want the answer to and when others asked me questions I would answer them fully even when I knew they were only asking out of politeness. This behavior caused a lot of head turning and talk about my demeanor. Even though I still acted politely and kindly my lack of standard social convention was perceived as rudeness. I also observed how much time in a day I would have spent using those social conventions. I realized the majority of what I say, and many other people for that matter, is because I have to say it. We spend so much time saying the things we should, we lose time to say the things we really mean. Under the mask of politeness these social conventions have become the main communication between most of us and have eliminated instances of meaningful conversations with intelligent purposeful content. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy V-day

Saint Valentines Day

Every year on February fourteenth without fail, I wear whatever pink/red/white outfit I have picked ahead of time to wear that day, I get out of bed with a smile, take my valentines and make my way to school. I love Valentines Day, It is one of my favorite holidays every year (excluding the Emo Year).  I have no idea why cynics hate Valentines Day, It is the one day of the year that fills me with the most hope and appreciation for those I love. Some people say it is a day to make lonely people feel bad, but no one ever told me I had to be in a relationship to enjoy the day.  You will usually tell your significant other you love quite often, but family and friends especially are often taken for granted. V-day is a day to show appreciation for them and you find out how many people you have in your life that love you, how could that be a holiday anyone hates?
            Maybe this is just my over affectionate side speaking. I tend to come on very strong and be inappropriately affectionate with people, but on Valentines Day that’s okay. I can tell virtual strangers I love them as long as it is on a card and proceeded by the phrase “Happy Valentines day”. How nice is that, nothing I say can be seen as creepy on Valentines Day, every innuendo is “cute”. It is actually impossible for anything to be inappropriate on Valentines Day. What better holiday could exist? 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Things I lost in the memories

I remember the first time I saw you smile
U had no idea that right there and then
I was falling for you all the while
As I read about adventures in the moors
your smile always in my mind
The sparkle in your eyes had opened doors
Suddenly had a new feeling
Electric, exciting, still calming and surreal
All throughout me it went reeling
Surge felt as our paths crossed
Thoughts of u lingered
Even in bed as I turned and tossed
Everything you’ve said to me
carries a hopefulness that holds
and takes me on a journey

i was addicted I must admit
to be fully honest I’m still struck
at your every word my eyes lit
you are light that still brightens
even when I feel like there’s no more
when I can’t breath and my chest tightens
with you there I know things will be okay
even in the emptiness of the dark
crying alone i holding on as I lay
the funny part? you don’t even know
that you’re the reason that when I fall
when I’ve given up and feeling low
I find the will to get up and try again
I can hold on and keep the faith
You’re the morphine that takes away the pain

Even when there’s nothing u can do
Life has put the impossible upon you
For happiness you keep dreaming
For love you never stop scheming
eventually all your dreams will come true

Sunday, February 6, 2011


It’s funny how things turned out this way
Everything was fine just the other day
I wanted to fix me
But I just  hurt us
left you confused
Him unsure
And me miserable
It was all perfect
So why wasn’t I happy
Only want what I can’t have
And what I can’t have wants me
We get in our own way
When we let anyone in
Is it possible we’re meant
to be together
Or with noone at all?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


That's what we're gonna call them. There's no reason in particular, I would say it's for privacy reasons but that would be a lie. A is basically the person in this world I most favor. I do love my family and friends but A is the one person I picked that I love above all else, the one I could not do without. I chose to write about A party because I was just A, but also because you will be hearing a lot about them. Because A is so close to my heart I will mention A often, so no better time than the present to tell you about A. We met three years ago and were instant soul-mates. We spend most of our time fighting and trying to disprove each other, but that's what makes A the only person I can never get bored of. I have a personality that makes me sort of fickle when it comes to relationships, I can forget one and move to the next without a second thought. I don't exactly get bored, I just need new excitement. I sometimes forget the old one even exists, Not purposefully of course, I just forget easily and I am attracted by anything new really. With A this is never a problem because I couldn't imagine my life without A, I can never forget A. Basically A is the only one in my life I cannot let go of, which means we're stuck together. Hopefully forever.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"We live in a first world Country"

Today was my first day of New Life, or as the guidance counsellor would say "second semester". In High school every five months you begin a new cycle of life that includes new classes, new activities and new friends. This is a cycle that repeats itself throughout a high school career, yet whenever it comes, it is unexpected. New years in school always come with change and this is expected, therefore easy to adjust. On the contrary when New Life occurs, we are hit suddenly be an influx of completely new information. As humans processing all these changes at once is quite traumatizing. This causes anger in us resulting in revolt at simple requests such as getting a course requirement signed. In retrospect anything demanded from a student on New Life should be short and pleasant as not to further upset them. I happen to have a teacher, we'll call him John, who does not appreciate this fact. Now John is in the army reserves and even though he will never fight in any war, EVER he still believes he is a legitimate officer of the Canadian Armed Forces. He has decided to share the skills he has acquired with us through the teaching of self-discipline. The particular form of self-discipline can only be referred to as water torture. Today John announced to us that we would be restricted to using facilities three times within the next five months. Now this brought a discourse through the room that not even he could have expected. The room rang with cries of "injustice" "I can't hold it that long" "what if I get a bladder infection" and my personal favorite "What if I'm Menstruating". Being a class of all girls this was a concern brought up in multitudes. John explained to us holding our bladders for eighty minutes a day would develop character and self-discipline we would otherwise never have had. Then a comment came up that brought the discussion to a new level "We live in a first world country, we should be able to pee when we gotta pee" at first this comment would seem like a lame excuse, but on closer examination it is the truth. In a first world country, no matter who we are we have the right to pee when we need to, where we need to. Even in our prisons the right to pee freely is not disputed, we have a god given right to comfortably expel our waste whenever necessary. Even in the Geneva convention, it is stated that the preventing of a person to expel waste by another is a form of torture. No where in the first world will you ever be denied your inalienable right to pee freely. So why must we suffer at the hands of a power-crazed pseudo military officer? Self-discipline at the expense of my human right? I THINK NOT!! I WILL PROUDLY SAY I PEE FREELY, and no one can robe me of that.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Are your words so true
The ones I read are you?
Your words speak to me
Worlds a new they let me see
Almost trancelike, puts me in a different place
Of my old self there is only a trace
As words cover me feelings so surreal
A place anew floating in indulgence so real
Now must I search for more
Of the person who to me opened a door
I have a new need, a yearning
That now keeps me at night tossing and turning
I must know everything about you
What makes you tick what you like to do
Little things big things anything that captures the essence
Maybe I’ll know why I quiver at your presence

Let me know you are the one
at who's word's my revolution begun
Let me know I can one day reach
The source of your insightful speech
Let me know it can be possible one day
That I will be skilled enough  to say

the words that inspire and break ties
The words that make people realize

Emerald skies

splashed with a mass of clouds
skies of emerald
clear as water with no crowds
alas navy encroaches 
in the east night approaches
to cover the beauty of a moment
that brought happiness with no relent
realization good things come only in instants
but still your contentment has no recants
so now enjoy it blissfully
before night has covered fully
live on the hope you'll one day meet
an emerald sky just as sweet


don't know why that which lies underneath does
array of feelings, deep enough to be unseen
but still felt with fierce intensity 
can't learn from mistakes
bleak world filled with apathy
but put upon you is everything
everything they don't feel
so your feelings go unnoticed
anger never seen by society
sadness smothered by unfeeling
no understanding for emotion
there are moments when the disinterest wavers
feelings escaping the constant guard which they're under
but they never go as deep as yours
not ever as severe
not ever as exposed
others cry tears ,but your steady stream never seams to stop
others are afraid,but your fear engulfs your entire being
others feel pain,but the piercing agony within you ends all else
but the world causes you to hide your emotions
once again suffocated by the indifference that surrounds you
then you see a slight glimmer a slither if you will
of hope,
of new faith,
as your feelings escape and reach another place in keen realization that you are not  solitary 
as your soul kindles with another, one that feels as you , one that can understand 
now reaching a place almost contempt when you can release all that lays inside.


that's what they  said
no more of this talk now
you must show respect don't                                    question....     
is it a sin to ask
am i really not meant to know
what is the harm in                                                  knowing....   
Once again i am stifled
voice never to be heard
feel like ive been tied and                                         gagged....    
A fate worse than death            
to live imprisoned in silence
a lonley inmate of                                                   circumstance....